Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Latest

2014 has been a bit of a musical rollercoaster with very few live shows, a remastered re-release, a benefit single, and a lot of planning for the year ahead. There are a lot of ideas out there I’ll tell you… We anticipated signing a management contract with a Chicago based company but that fell through. Recently our music was accepted by Peter Gabriel’s Cuesongs licensing. This will present the opportunity to license songs for commercials, movies, and games. I’m looking forward to this union and anticipating some great results.
I am currently in full swing and ready to mix my annual Christmas song which will be available free to anyone signed up on the email list. This song will combine full symphonic sound, rock and electronic influences, leading into a dreamy dubstep mix. I have recently built a green screen (low budget but useful all the same).  I’ll be releasing some visually interesting imagery in the new year and I’m eager to combine the artistry of music and the interpretation in video. This is an exciting and challenging area to be jumping into… in the meantime, keep an ear open for that new song and stay cool!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Snakeline V2

Just a quick update. Above the Snakeline V2, the ReMaster will be out soon! Thanks to the great work by Adam Wilshire from Sheffield UK. The new version will feature music that is more energized and explosive than the original. It will also contain bonus material! I'm also happy to say that Sleeping Bag Studios from BC has produced a fantastic psychedelic music video for the single Unconditional that will be released in days! The new dance remix of Light of Love, arranged by DJ Maxume from South Africa, will also be out very soon! A new steam punk animated logo for was just produced by a freelance animator in Romania. It seems like this project is coming together from all directions. We are still in talks with a possible management agency out of L.A., Chicago, and Madison so stay tuned on future live shows!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Indignation...Righteous Indignation....Dude

Okay, this will not be the usual blog post. Well, not for me anyway. Unlike many people in the world, I have no problem being brutally honest. Not to offend or upset anyone, but I'm tired of all the "PC" garbage in the out there. It seems as if you can't really say anything with substance or you will offend someone. So, buzz off (I would rather use a different word) if you are easily offended and read some blog from a coffee house or a church (which I find are becoming the same thing).

I'm taking a break from the church music scene as it has become irritating and lifeless. Yeah, you heard me. Listen, I just released a Christian album so I'm not knocking that, but I find that Christian music is so stale and repetitive that it's hard to call it music most of the time. It's more of a template with the same words and chord structures repeated over and over by different "artists". There are exceptions of course with a few real Spirit led bands and they are uplifting and awesome but the Christian bookstore mainstream pop is complete crap. I think that the devil is probably more involved in the promotion of these bands through mainstream CCM stations and churches with no discernment.... Hey man, the music industry is the music industry... period. Wake up you Christian t-shirt wearing sleepwalkers.

But wait, I thought this blog was about the fascinating musical adventures of an indie musician trying to get people to buy some dang music? Well, it is. Sometimes I just gotta blow off some steam while giving you the latest news. So here is whats going on....

I am working with 2 different mastering engineers in the UK on a couple songs from the recently released Above the Snakeline album. It seems that the mastering on the album just wasn't up to par but we will sort that. Chances of re-releasing the album look good. Speaking of a re-release, Strange Horses from 2012 was recently re-released on CDBaby. Check it out to hear some rockin live versions of songs from Music From Earth and remixes from Between the Sun and the Moon! I am also very excited to be working on two projects with DJ Maxume from South Africa. We previously collaborated on U2's Where the Streets Have No Name where I sang the vocals and he cranked out a killer dance mix. He is arranging a new dance remix of Light of Love from the Above the Snakeline album and we will be collaborating on another techno dance song after that. It's been really interesting taking with him on Skype and sharing musical ideas from different continents. It's cool to know that other people around the world have faith and can still express themselves artistically through music. I'm going to quit my rambling but would encourage you to stay tuned. See you on Twitter in the meantime....    don't be lukewarm.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Story of Above The Snakeline

Tim Korry | Above the Snakeline

The song ABOVE THE SNAKELINE was a song that was constructed fairly quickly. I think the initial writing and recording happened in one day. I was fascinated with the phrase when I heard of it's historical significance and a good metaphor for Christianity.

In one of his letters the great poet, William Cullen Bryant, who 
so loved the Berkshire hills, mentioned the fact that when the hills were first occupied by settlers, 
they found that down in the valleys were very dangerous serpents. The rattlesnake was there, the 
poisonous adder was there, the copperhead was there. In order to escape these serpents, they built 
their residences upon the hills. Ancient tradition related that there was a “snake line” above 
which no poisonous snake ever crept. If a person builded above an elevation of about twelve 
hundred feet above the sea, no poisonous serpents ever bit his children, or destroyed his property, 
or endangered his life. But if he built in the valley, he was subject to these deathly dangers. In the 
old times when the country was settled, every person who approached was advised to build his 
house “above the snake line.” - Russell H. Conwell 1925

After learning this fact, I became focused on ABOVE THE SNAKELINE as the album title and title track. The music I was starting to produce was a fusion of Middle Eastern dance and sort of an altpop rock sound. All the ideas blended together and I could feel the words coming easily from The Holy Spirit before the music was even recorded. The ABOVE THE SNAKELINE concept ran through all of the songs on the album mixing several styles of music in a sonically diverse Christian, not necessarily CCM, expression inspired by The Lord. The album was released on 10/31... just to throw a little more symbolism into the mix. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tim Korry | Sing Out Praise | In support of Sammy Massa

Tim Korry | Sing Out Praise

a copy of the new single "Sing Out Praise" and support 3 yr old Sammy
Massa and his fight against a brain tumor. ALL proceeds will go to him
and his family.  Your prayers are very much appreciated as well! Please pass this along and help us to make a difference!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Smart Studios, Rhinocerotic, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Fall Out Boy, & Garbage. What's up?

Live 2010 Reunion
Live 2010 part 2 154 (Photo credit: Photo:Brad Trick)
I was having quite the not interesting week, still promoting my latest album, when something odd happened....I was contacted by Wendy Schneider who started a Kickstarter campaign to make a movie about the famous Smart Studios in Madison. This was the studio that Nirvana recorded Nevermind at, Smashing Pumpkins recorded Gish at, Fall Out Boy recorded Take This to Your Grave, and Garbage used this as their home base. Did I mention Death Cab for Cutie? I feel privileged that she even asked for pictures of Rhinocerotic at the studio and hope that she is able to make and promote this awesome documentary. As a result of the picture request, all the former members of Rhinocerotic are now talking about making some music after a few years. What comes of it? I have some ideas, but stay tuned.....

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Strangest Things.

Live 2010 part 2 002
Live 2010 part 2 002 (Photo credit: timkorry)
Live 2010 part 2 134
Live 2010 part 2 134 (Photo credit: timkorry)
studio 2010 021
studio 2010 021 (Photo credit: timkorry)
studio 2010 019
studio 2010 019 (Photo credit: timkorry)
Live 2010 part 2 153
Live 2010 part 2 153 (Photo credit: timkorry)
IMAG0052 (Photo credit: timkorry)

After much consideration, I've decided to create a style of music. Create sounds like sort of a strange thing to say, so maybe we can call it a mix of two genres. Yes, we are still working on the physical released of Above the Snakeline, but pushing ahead into new territories. I am completing a country demo that will be due out this year and working on an extended electronic soundtrack instrumental type of project. I'm very much looking to record some heavy bluesy material with members of The Blacktop Kings. I've been playing with two of these guys often on since I was 18. Lots of irons in the fire right now, but I'm hoping that the heat will melt them into something groundbreaking and impactful. A possibility of a Rhinocerotic reunion? Well, not sure, but I know that two of the members will be working together on a new project due out soon. Stay tuned for more news... This stuff can go either way :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A New Way

The year started off with some interesting opportunities. Chances to play with the  Spirit Alive band, a chance to play in a strange variation of a U2 cover band, promotion of the Above the Snakeline album to be released as a physical CD in the next month... Not to mention the completion of a country demo and a big soundtrack project. The challenge will be time.....   The possibility of this new sideband, U3, is a really stripped-down U2 cover band featuring Timmy Wolf (Rhinocerotic), Tommy Wolf, and me. There is talk of covering material from George Michael to Lenny Kravitz as well as a few of my tunes. Three guys all acoustic really raw and spirited.